04 May Italianate Garden at Ickworth Park
Fortunately we have had the pleasure of working with The National Trust on many occasions at Ickworth Park. Recently we have removed a hedge line that ran alongside the pathways to the Italianate garden due to it being diseased. We began by felling the existing hedge and then digging out the stumps and roots before replacing with new top soil and adding soil improver compost. We then planted yew tree hedge plants in place of the existing hedge running down the sides of the pathways leading to the circular gardens at each end.
We also installed new steel edging to the pathways and gardens as well as the terrace which overlooks Ickworth Park. The steel edging was installed with steel pins fixed to the back edge and we then supplied and installed golden gravel to the pathways and garden areas.
Go and have a look for yourself at Ickworth Park, Bury St Edmunds. The buildings and grounds are really spectacular!